Bits Of Life

Life is no sanctuary
Of desire and fulfilment
Each day extends
Vagaries of nothingness
And I go on
Eating solitude and slow time
Bit by bit
With silence

My walks to the beach
Bring images intermixed
The chopping of waves
The hustling of winds
Amid chicken roasting streets
And I go on
Eating solitude and slow time
Bit by bit
With silence

I often ask,
Is it my life
For which i pursued forth ?
Mind approves......
Heart denies ......
And I go on
Eating solitude and slow time
Bit by bit
With silence.

My look to the east
Brings memories on sea waves
Children, wife, parents
Kinsfolk, friends, teachers
Inheriting a loss,
I go on
Eating solitude and slow time
Bit by bit
With silence Dr.Vachaspati Dwivedi 

Dr.Vachaspati Dwivedi  जी द्वारा भेजी लेख
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"जय हिन्द जय भारत'' 

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